M-TEC Group was founded in 2010 by Keith McKenna and Stephen Hanson as a natural development of the recruitment activity of well-established sister company M-TEC Recruitment.
They formulated a strategy to set up a separate business entity in Coventry to manage concept development through to product realisation, specifically in the automotive sector. The company has experienced steady growth to the point where they now boast a team of a 75 strong dedicated programme delivery team.
The initial strategy was to establish and develop a foothold primarily within the high end automotive sector. The drive being to establish a ‘recession proof’ business model following the economic down turn of 2008.
2015 will see them continue to strengthen the development of their UK team at their Coventry offices, by employing traditional recruitment strategies, led by sister company M-TEC recruitment, along with the development of the next generation of programme managers, engineers and designers from within.
Stephen – Engineering & Programme Director is very proud of the company’s record on staff development and training. He said, “We employ three current strategies, work experience placement schemes, a graduate development programme and the sponsorship of students from the Black Country University Technical College (UTC).
The relationship with the UTC continues, through the identification of high potential students, with two or three of the best taken on each year. They have found that developing students via the UTC route, and providing on the job training along-side their University studies, can in many ways better prepare individuals for industry when compared to graduates direct from University
Their focus for 2015 is to continue to secure long term stable relationships with key clients, resulting from the successful delivery of programmes and by maintaining high levels of service. This will enable M-TEC to continue to develop the partnerships they currently have in place with their clients, becoming an integral part of their businesses and able to support them in achieving their growth strategies – while effectively achieving their own.
An excellent relationship has also been developed with Coventry University both in terms of providing 12 month industrial placements for students and working with them to support the recruitment into our Graduate development programme.
M-TEC, recognising some of the reasons behind the skills gap has developed a more formal structure to their school work experience schemes, working in partnership with Industrial Cadets. The inspiration for Industrial Cadets came from HRH The Prince of Wales and the initiative is supported by the Department for Communities and Local Government. M-TEC is the first SME to be accredited to deliver a Gold Award programme.
M-TEC feels a responsibility to educate younger people with regard to the opportunities within the sector, whether engineering and design related, or within the automotive sector more widely. If all businesses encourage such activity we will start to attract the next generation of engineers to ensure the UK continues to develop over the longer term.
M-TEC also feel that there are far too few women moving into engineering generally, and hope that through their people development strategies they can play a part in addressing this by promoting engineering as a career path to young women through Industrial Cadets and their work placement programmes.
For more information please visit the website www.m-tecgroup.com or telephone on 02476 214541