Local businesses are being challenged to spend a night under the stars in aid of The Bridge Homelessness to Hope charity
A Leicester-based homeless charity is looking for volunteers to wrap up warm and brace themselves for a night out in the elements to raise awareness of homelessness and the reality of ‘sleeping rough’.
Volunteers will spend the night under the stars for a taste of what street homelessness might be like – with only cardboard, a sleeping bag, flasks and the clothes on their back for warmth.
‘The Big Sleep’ will take place on 21 March, 2019 at the University of Leicester. The Bridge Homelessness to Hope is asking local businesses and their staff to sign up, take part in the challenge and raise much-needed funds through sponsorship. Breakfasts will be generously provided by the University of Leicester.
All funds raised through the sponsorship for the event will be donated to The Bridge Homelessness to Hope to help the city’s homeless community.
Individuals or local businesses willing to join The Big Sleep should contact David Fawcett at The Bridge Homelessness to Hope on 07534 059658 or email david@bridgeleicester.org
David Fawcett, Executive Operations Manager at The Bridge Homelessness to Hope commented:
“We’re looking for hardy souls to take on The Big Sleep challenge, either individually or as part of a group representing a local organisation. The night will be a real eye-opener and will hopefully raise funds to help us to continue our work supporting the homeless community in the city of Leicester.”