MOOR PARK SCHOOL given the top grades in latest inspection report


MOOR PARK SCHOOL given the top grades in latest inspection report and deemed to be EXCELLENT IN ALL AREAS.

The school was inspected over three days in June by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), a Government regulated body, equivalent to OFSTED, who judge the quality of independent schools. The result was an improvement even on the previous very positive report from the school’s inspection in 2011.

Headmaster, Charlie Minogue, was delighted with the findings in what he describes as a team effort throughout the school. ‘This report highlights both the historical strengths of Moor Park together with the improvements to the school made over the last few years, made possible due to the excellent working relationships between staff, pupils and parents. It is well-deserved recognition of the hard work contributed by everyone.’

Moor Park Educational Quality Inspection

The Educational Quality inspection reports on the quality of outcomes for children in two key areas:

1. The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and

2. The personal development of the pupils

Moor Park was judged to be EXCELLENT in all areas, the highest rating available.

Key findings given were:

1. The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is EXCELLENT.

Excerpts from the Moor Park inspection report:

• ‘The pupils are typically articulate and extremely confident when speaking to others…they do not fear speaking in public and do so exceptionally well.’

• ‘The pupils’ attitudes to learning are excellent: they want to succeed in all they do.’

• ‘Listening comes easily to the pupils: they want to learn, not just from their teachers but from each other; and in assemblies the stillness of their concentration as they listen to members of staff or other pupils is palpable.’

• ‘The excellent knowledge, skills and understanding across the curriculum of pupils of all needs and abilities underpins their considerable achievements.’

• ‘Excellent examples of higher order study skills were seen.’

• ‘The pupils, including those with special educational needs… make good and often excellent progress in their learning. …Leaders’ and governors’ focus upon individual pupils and the dedication of the teaching staff have contributed greatly to this success.’

• ‘The pupils enjoy great success in academic subjects and in art, design, drama, music and sport.’

2. The quality of the pupils’ personal development is EXCELLENT.

Excerpts from the Moor Park inspection report:

• ‘Pupils display high levels of resilience, self-discipline, independence and self-confidence…The School’s recent initiative of the Mindset programme, promoted by leadership and governors, is successful in developing such qualities as well as other more intellectual ones…from the EYFS onwards…’

• ‘The moral awareness of the pupils, underpinned by the school’s Catholic ethos, is extremely well-developed.’

• ‘Behaviour throughout the school was observed to be exemplary and demonstrated most effectively the leadership’s commitment to kindness in the life of the school.’

• ‘The social development of the pupils is excellent, with boarding playing a central role in this development.’

Under Twos Educational Quality Inspection

Moor Park’s Tick Tock nursery for the under two-year-olds was judged to be OUTSTANDING in all areas, the highest rating available under the OFSTED levels used for this age group.

This is the 4th time in a row that the setting has been graded in this way and the first since its move to new and expanded facilities which opened in September 2017.

Key findings given were:

• The overall effectiveness of the early years provision is outstanding.

• The effectiveness of leadership and management is outstanding.

• The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding.

• The personal development, behavior and welfare of children are outstanding.

• Outcomes for all children are outstanding.

Excerpts from the Moor Park EYFS inspection report:

• ‘The setting provides exceptional care to ensure that all children’s needs are met.’

• ‘Leaders have an ambitious vision…to improve the outcomes for the children.’

• ‘Dedicated staff utilise every opportunity to interact with children and further their progress.’

• ‘Children feel extremely safe, happy and secure owing to the strength of the relationships they have developed with staff.’

• ‘Children meet or exceed the expected level of development for their age.’

As a result of the compliance part of the inspection, Moor Park was also judged to have met all requirements of all regulations.

The full report is available on the Moor Park website

More detail about the School and the report

Moor Park’s inspection report contains the best judgments of any independent school in the immediate area (see map). The inspection confirms Moor Park’s ability to get the best out of every child, regardless of their ability, and specifically mentions the school’s new innovative approach to teaching, the Moor Park Mindsets, as being central to its success at encouraging higher order thinking skills in all children. Headmaster, Charlie Minogue, says ‘we are keen to give children an advantage in a rapidly changing, A.I. dominated, world where the right thinking skills are likely to be as important as knowledge. The entire curriculum and our teaching methods have been evaluated from Tick Tock Nursery to Year 8 to ensure that Moor Park children are deliberately encouraged to think in carefully selected ways. Critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, confidence, independence and resilience are all part of a Moor Park education at all level.’

Moor Park routinely sends children to complete their secondary education at a range of school including Shrewsbury School, Malvern College, Cheltenham College, Hereford Cathedral School and other high profile schools further afield such as Winchester, Radley, Eton, Harrow, Uppingham and Oundle, with a high percentage of students obtaining scholarships. In the last three years a total of 81 children have won a total of 68 awards; a remarkable record for a non-selective school.

For further information or comment, please contact

Charlie Minogue, Headmaster T: 01584 812 342 E: