SMB College Group Animal Management Students Participate in Dogs Trust Animal Welfare Assessment Scheme!


Level 3 Animal Management students from SMB College Group recently paid a visit to the Defence Animal Training Regiment (DATR) to get involved in the Animal Welfare Assessment scheme!

The day involved training lectures, tours of the Canine Training Squadron kennels, and various training demonstrations.

The students participated in conducting animal welfare assessments on the military working dogs, supported by Louise Crawford from the Dogs Trust, assessing their five welfare needs and sharing best practice recommendations on canine welfare and kennel management.

The students also watched a drug detection dog demonstration, observing the positive training methods used at the DATR and learning from the experienced trainers and dog handlers.

SMB College Group have been participating in this scheme, in partnership with the DATR and The Dogs Trust, since 2021 - giving selected students the opportunity to train as Independent Welfare Assessment Visitors and participate in the assessment, in addition to sharing best practice on canine welfare and kennel management between the three organisations.

Animal Studies student, Kayleigh Rowles, said

"The visit was very educational and enlightening as we assessed how well the facilities are meeting the welfare needs of the dogs. We made judgments and voiced our opinions, providing crucial feedback so further improvements can be made. All the staff and dogs were welcoming, especially during enrichment and drug detection demonstrations!"

Animal Studies Lecturer, Beth Prior, said

"The training day provided a fantastic opportunity for the students to gain valuable insight into the management and welfare of military working dogs, providing additional context to the welfare and training principles covered during their studies."

The Dogs Trust Animal Welfare Scheme (AWS) has been in operation since 2002, engaging members of the local community to attend working dog units and ensure that the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and its Animal Welfare Needs are being adhered to and ensuring that the treatment of the dogs is ethical, open, and transparent.

SMB College Group's Animal Studies courses are delivered at their 850-acre Brooksby Campus - a specialist LANDEX campus offering a wide range of courses in the land-based industries and beyond, from Agriculture to Equine to Countryside Management and much more.

There's still time to apply to join the college this September! If you're interested in studying Animal Studies at SMB College Group, visit them at their Brooksby Campus open day in June 2024 to find out more! Book your place at: