Uniting for a Better Future: Unity Trust Bank's Rebrand by ThinkOTB Focuses on Social Impact


ThinkOTB, a leading marketing agency, has launched the Unity Trust Bank rebrand, aimed at positioning the brand as the bank of choice for organisations with social purpose.

Named Greater Birmingham's Business of the Year in March 2023, Unity Trust Bank was founded 40 years ago, is based in Birmingham and operates across the UK.

The rebrand includes a new brand proposition, "For Businesses, For Communities, For Good." A new brand narrative and website, plus internal and external marketing content that reflect the bank's commitment to sustainability, diversity, and ethical banking practices.

Joanne Waddington, Managing Director, at ThinkOTB said,

"The Unity Trust Bank rebrand is an exciting project for us, as it aligns with our agency's values and mission to create meaningful and impactful marketing campaigns. We wanted to create a brand that not only connects with its audience but also communicates the bank's strong position within the financial sector."

Louise Pursglove Head of Brand and Proposition at Unity Trust Bank said,

"to become a customer of Unity Trust Bank, an organisation must demonstrate that it is trading for good, not just for profit – whether it be a social enterprise, charity, trade union or ethical business. Our new brand is key to reaching new customers and communities nationwide."

The Unity Trust Bank brand represents the bank's commitment to innovation, while the website showcases the bank's various services and products in a user-friendly and engaging way.

Louise said,

"with the launch of the new brand, Unity Trust Bank is poised to become a leader in the ethical banking space, offering services that align with the needs and values of its customers and helping both customers and Unity to create positive impact for communities across the UK."