A total of 180 new homes will be coming to west Gloucestershire after land was sold by a leading property consultancy to a major housing developer.
Fisher German has sold the land at Berry Hill near Coleford – which has outline planning permission for the homes to be built on it – to Barratt Homes.
Around 40 per cent of the houses on the 26-acre site built will be provided by a Registered Social Landlord.
Matthew Handford at Fisher German said:
“West Gloucestershire is in real need of new housing stock, so we are very pleased that we have sold the land on behalf of our client to Barratt Homes. “There will be a mix of properties for both rent and sale which will help plenty of local people get on the property ladder.”
Barratt Homes South Wales managing director Steve Williams said he was delighted that the five star housebuilder would be creating the new community at Berry Hill.
He said:
“Our aim is to provide stylish and sustainable housing for a wide range of buyers with varied lifestyles. “We think very carefully before deciding where to build new properties - and we’re thrilled to be playing our part in bringing new homes to people in Coleford.”
Gladman Developments secured outline planning permission for the homes to be built on the site at appeal after initially being refused at planning committee by Forest of Dean District Council.