Council steps in to protect Swinfen Hall


Lichfield District Council has intervened to protect one of the district’s best-known heritage buildings.

After receiving a tip off, planning enforcement officers discovered that substantial work had recently been carried out to the building and grounds at Swinfen Hall without planning or listed building consent.

This includes the building of a swimming pool, installation of a new kitchen, the removal of walls, blocking up of doorways and fitting of gates, the creation of balconies, replacement of original fixtures and fittings, installation of UPVC window frames and concealing of fireplaces.

Built in 1755, Swinfen Hall is a Grade II* listed building considered to be of significant architectural and historic value. This means it is in the top 5 per cent of all listed buildings in England. It has been legally protected for more than 40 years.

Due to the building’s status, and the nature of the works, consent would not be given for thechanges that have been made. As a result, Lichfield District Council has served a series of enforcement notices to require that all work stops, and that the building be returned to its former state.

A spokesperson for Lichfield District Council said:

“Owning a listed building comes with the responsibility of conserving, maintaining and protecting it for the benefit of the public and future generations.

“This work has been done with complete disregard to that responsibility, and the law, and those behind the work could now face imprisonment.

“Lichfield district is rich in history, often portrayed through our wonderful buildings, and the council will be robust in protecting them.”

Caption: Swinfen Hall.