Green Light for Employment Scheme East of Junction 10 of M42


The UK’s leading regeneration specialist, St. Modwen, has been given the go-ahead for 800,000 sq ft of development on a 35 acre site in Tamworth, east of junction 10 of the M42.

Outline planning consent has been granted at appeal for industrial and distribution uses, with capability of an individual unit up to 650,000 sq ft along with associated infrastructure.

As part of the development, St. Modwen will create a new access off Trinity Road to service the site. A substantial area of existing open space to the south-west of the site will also be retained, providing natural wildlife habitats.

Stephen Prosser, Regional Director at St. Modwen, said: “This appeal decision will help with the delivery of strategically important accommodation that will help create hundreds of jobs for local people being at the heart of the motorway network and located within the powerhouse of the region’s automotive industry.

“With outline consent now in place, we hope to start work on site later this year following detailed planning consent.”

In June 2013, St. Modwen signed a development agreement on a 55 acre strategic site that straddled junction 10 of the M42 near Tamworth.

The site spans 35 acres to the east of the motorway and 20 acres to the west, adjacent to St. Modwen’s Centurion Park development, one of the Midland’s most sought-after locations for warehouse and distribution operators. The site to the west has consent for 206,000 sq ft, with a letting last year to DFS of 53,000 sq ft which was subsequently sold to Lime Development Limited and with work now underway on a new unit of 153,000 sq ft due for completion in May 2017.

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