Sustain UK Ltd, a specialist supported housing provider in Birmingham has announced it has relocated to a new headquarters in Edgbaston Village after 10 years in Harborne.
The registered landlord supports 1,800 residents living in 350 properties across Birmingham, but required larger premisses to accommodate an expanding team and plans for longer term growth.
Sustain UK has recently expanded its team to 31 by adding three new positions in Support, Training and Finance.
The new roles will be instrumental in enhancing resources and support for tenants, landlords, and partners, while the growing capacity is set to manage additional homes and assist more people in need.
Since its founding in 2009 with just a single property, Sustain UK has grown into a trusted name in the supported housing sector. Today, it manages around 350 properties across the city, supported by 90 home providers.
With many tenants facing the risk of homelessness, Sustain UK has built a strong reputation over the past 16 years for delivering high-quality homes, offering specialist support to residents, and maintaining exceptional standards in property inspections and management.
The company’s expansion also includes a focus on strengthening its tenancy engagement team—an area in which Sustain UK has excelled.
The government's Social Housing Complaints Ombudsman recently highlighted Sustain UK as a supported housing market-leader in complaints resolution.
The new office is also part of its broader strategy to deliver supported housing services outside of Birmingham and expand its geographical footprint.
To achieve this, Sustain UK is seeking to forge new partnerships with housing, support and care organisations.
Sustain UK is also playing a leading role in a pioneering-project within Birmingham, Moving On. Aimed at helping people transition from supported accommodation to financial and housing independence.
The organisation is supplying safe, high-quality accommodation for participants within the pilot scheme.
Furthermore, the relocation aligns with Sustain UK’s dedication to meeting the highest standards set by the Compliance Regulator. Having already achieved Silver Status in SEAQS, the organisation is now striving for Gold, reinforcing its reputation as one of the West Midlands’ most trusted and socially responsible housing providers.
Ian MacGregor, Chief Executive at Sustain UK Ltd, said:
“Our office expansion marks a significant milestone in the growth of our business. It not only enhances our operational capacity but also enables us to deliver an improved level of service to the communities we support.
“By strengthening our resources and capabilities, we are better equipped to address the increasing and evolving needs of our tenants, ensuring they have access to the high-quality housing and support they deserve.
“Over the years, Sustain UK has established a strong reputation as a trusted and specialist housing provider in Birmingham. This success has laid the foundation for our next phase, which will focus on extending our reach to other areas within the West Midlands. By doing so, we aim to bring more high-quality homes to tenants across the region, providing safe, comfortable, living spaces that meet their needs and enhance their quality of life.”