Top tips for a new world of virtual viewing


In the current circumstances viewing a property in person is, of course, firmly on hold. But that doesn’t mean potential buyers can’t still be shown around – thanks to technology and a little bit of home videoing, according to Tony Morris-Eyton, head of residential sales at Savills in Shropshire and Staffordshire.

Not to be confused with the professionally produced virtual property tours which have been available for some time, the ‘new age’ virtual viewings are a product of the coronavirus lockdown and estate agents are discovering that they can indeed result in offers and sales.

Tony comments:

“It is often said that a house sale owes a great deal to first impressions, from that initial kerb appeal to the feeling you get when you step over the threshold.

“We’ve found the best way to attract buyer interest is by providing a live video conference call. Set up by the agent using a tool such as WhatsApp, Facetime or Zoom, this enables the seller to take the buyer on a bespoke, real-time video tour of their home while the agent directs the action, pointing out all the key features and answering any questions along the way. This can be really engaging and enjoyable, and a practice run-through with your agent can help banish any pre-filming nerves.

“Failing that, the seller can take a short video clip and email it to their agent who will pass it on to interested buyers and talk them through what they are seeing. This lacks the interactive nature and immediacy of a live viewing, but can still be helpful.”

So what makes a good home video? Here are the top tips from Savills:

  • Videos should be no more than 60 seconds long. If you need to take a number of shorter clips of different rooms that’s fine too.

  • Your agent will be able to advise which rooms to feature but generally speaking we know buyers are most interested in the main reception rooms and the kitchen.

  • Start filming as you enter a room, then stand close to a corner so you can convey its size. If it has a good view, make sure you capture that too.

  • Don’t include any high value items of furniture or art.

  • There’s no need to record a commentary. Your agent will talk the virtual viewer through the tour.

  • If it’s a nice day, don’t forget to include the garden.

“We are making it clear on our website that virtual viewings are available where applicable. But it’s important to stress that before sharing video material or setting up a video call, your agent should carry out exactly the same checks with the prospective buyer as they would before organising a traditional viewing”,

adds Tony.