Interaction welcomes prop-tech pioneer to growing office design team News Award-winning workplace design company Interaction has appointed office design specialist and property tech innovator Kristoff DuBose as project director.
Short-Term Warehousing Solutions With Long-Term Flexibility Business Insights From what we are hearing, the warehousing and distribution industry are facing a duality of excess space available and a severe lack of it.
Invasive Plant Species Encountered During Building Surveys Business Insights A small number of plants such as Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed and bamboo are highly invasive in the UK. Invasive plant species can damage buildings and structures, so they need to be considered and noted whilst undertaking building surveys.
How Co-Working Spaces Are Changing the Way We Work Business Insights The way we work is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with co-working spaces at the forefront of this change.
Commercial Property Service Charges Business Insights As UK commercial property service charges continue to rise at levels outstripping inflation, it is now more important than ever for occupiers to check and verify the accuracy of their demands, to ensure value for money and avoid over-payments and charges.
Diminution Valuations: A Second Set of Eyes Business Insights Dilapidations negotiations are typically led by building surveyors, whether preparing claims for landlords or defending against them for tenants.
Making a Dilapidations Claim: Practical Advice for Landlords Business Insights Commercial landlords may pursue a dilapidations claim against tenants who breach lease terms and leave the property in poor condition.
Aligning the ESG goals of landlords and tenants Business Insights ESG is a hot-button topic for many organisations around the country, particularly within the built environment where 25% of the nation’s carbon footprint is created.
Porcelain vs. Natural Stone: A Comparative Look at Durability and Design Business Insights Paving materials are fundamental to the design and functionality of outdoor spaces.
Is Your Property Fully Protected? Business Insights Underinsurance is a problem that people often overlook until something goes wrong.
How Tenants Can Win the Dilapidations Battle Business Insights Have you ever been caught up in worrying and unforeseen dilapidations discussions when your tenancy agreement comes to an end?
Fire Compliance: A Look Toward Safer Building Standards Business Insights Recent devastating fires in high-rise buildings across the UK have sharpened the focus on fire safety.
The Impact of Manned Guards: Beyond Just a Security Presence Business Insights Security guards play a vital role in protecting people, property, and assets, but the role of a manned guard extends far beyond merely serving as a physical deterrent to crime.
Conquering Wind Uplift: Retrofitting and Remediation Business Insights What is wind uplift? Wind uplift is the force on a building when strong wind moves up and over it. As it hits the sides, it accelerates upwards and resumes its normal course at the top of the wall.
Creating a Workspace Employees Love: How to Make Your Workspace More Appealing Business Insights How do you make your workplace somewhere that employees want to be?
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Surveys Business Insights What is a PPM Survey? A Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) Survey is a tool for property owners to manage budgets and proactively keep their property in a good state of repair.
Fresh Thoughts On The Same Old Housing Crisis Business Insights In five years, 1.5 million new homes – that’s the target the government has set itself.
A Brief Guide to Flat Roofs and their Coverings Business Insights A roof is classed as a flat roof if the pitch is less than 10°.
Balancing Reactive and Preventative Maintenance: Understanding Commercial Maintenance Solutions Business Insights Maintenance strategies are essential for ensuring the seamless functionality of your assets, systems, and business operations.
Causes of Cracking in Buildings Business Insights Unnoticeable movements are common in all buildings however abnormal forces and conditions can cause greater building movement and therefore cracking can present itself.
What Are the Benefits of Mobile CCTV Towers and Where Can They Be Used? Business Insights CCTV towers are stand-alone mobile units specifically designed to provide robust, all-in-one, remote monitoring solutions to sites requiring temporary security.
Construction clients must focus on adaptability despite inflationary pressures easing Business Insights With a mixed outlook for the construction industry, Turner & Townsend is urging businesses to prioritise adaptability in their approaches to long-term projects and programmes to set them up for success.
Recognising The Benefits Of Biophilic Design Business Insights Biophilic design - the architectural approach that seeks to connect occupants more closely to nature through careful use of natural organisms, materials and processes - is nothing new.
Modern Challenges for Contractors and How to Overcome Them Business Insights Contractors today face a range of challenges that require adaptability and innovation.
Reinstatement Cost Assessments - The Pitfalls Of Online Calculators! Business Insights We recently carried out a Reinstatement Cost Assessment of a small industrial estate comprising of 6 self-contained units.
What is Planned Preventative Maintenance of a building? Business Insights Planned preventative maintenance for a building or commercial site involves developing long-term maintenance strategies.
Legal Tips for First-Time Sellers: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Property Sales Business Insights Selling your house can be a complex reality especially for those who are new to the real estate market and undertaking their first time in their lives.
Key Questions for First-Time Small-Scale Property Developers Business Insights Small-scale property development involves converting commercial buildings, such as offices, shops, or light industrial units,
Enhancing Construction Site Security: A Comprehensive Guide Business Insights As one of the largest industries in the world and a pivotal force behind economic growth, the construction industry faces unique challenges
Conquering Wind Uplift: Solutions Tried, Tested and Certified Business Insights Wind uplift is the force on a building when strong wind moves up and over it. As it hits the sides, it is directed upwards,
Figuring out how many new homes the UK needs Business Insights House building in the UK is not keeping up with demand – we just don't have enough homes. But how much is enough?
How to Choose the Right Office Space in Bristol: A Comprehensive Guide Business Insights Selecting the perfect office space is a critical decision for any business. The right environment can boost productivity, employee satisfaction,
5 common Health and Safety Risks in a Construction Site Business Insights As one of the most important links in the chain of life, construction jobs have always been dynamic and hazardous at the same time.
We Are Not Very Good At Tackling The Housing Crisis Expert Insights I don't think many politicians pay attention to the saying: insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
HMO Landlords And The Security Tech Revolution Business Insights HMO landlords have always faced unique security challenges. Many of these challenges can be attributed to the "multiple occupancy" nature of the accommodation.
Protecting Your Assets with Industrial Temporary Canopy Shelters Business Insights Your business assets will only be valuable if they're in good condition. In the UK, many businesses unknowingly put their assets at risk
7 interior plants that will give your house a revitalised touch Business Insights Everyone wants a vibrant, fun and aesthetic home, right? Well, this is something that goes beyond just furniture,
Economy set to miss out on millions in warehouse crisis Business Insights New research reveals a lack of land is blocking the growth of the small to mid-box (sub-100k sq. ft.)
Your Guide to Vitrified Composite™ Decking Business Insights Vitrified Composite boasts a strikingly realistic hardwood effect, representing a significant leap forward in decking technology
Installing EV Charging Points – What Developers Should Know Business Insights The legal implications of the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging points for responsible bodies including housing associations,
10 things you should NEVER do when hiring a tradesperson Business Insights The trade insurance experts at Toolbox have researched and highlighted ten of tradespeople's biggest pet peeves:
Remediation, Renovation & Refurbishment: related but different Business Insights Remediation, renovation, and refurbishment are all closely related terms and frequently used by construction professionals.
How to get your staff back in the office Business Insights In the ever-evolving landscape of the post-pandemic world, businesses are faced with a unique challenge: encouraging employees to return to the office.
Revitalising Corporate Spaces: The Future of Office Design Business Insights The landscape of office design has, over the decades, undergone dramatic shifts, each reflective of deeper societal, technological, and cultural transformations.
Porcelain & its role in the evolution of construction Business Insights Over the last decade, it has become clear that construction is changing significantly to accommodate evolving environmental concerns,
The Landlord's Checklist: Preparing Your Property for Rent Business Insights Becoming a landlord entails far more than simply owning and renting a property. It involves a significant degree of preparation
Richard Kenyon, of Kenyon Gough, Chartered Surveyors, talked to us about Dilapidation surveys, & why they are important Business Insights Dilapidations involves the assessment of breaches of lease covenants that relate to the condition of the property during the terms of the tenancy or when the lease ends
Top 5 Property Development Risks And How To Reduce Them Business Insights Property development can produce huge profits,
Beyond Current Regulations - Fire Compliance in The Future Business Insights Construction professionals interested in preventing their projects becoming stranded assets keep an eye on the latest changes to fire and building regulations:
Master Your Construction Projects: An Industry Expert's Comprehensive Guide to Cement Mixer Hire Business Insights Working in the construction industry for many years has taught me the value of having the appropriate tools on hand.
The importance of training in the energy assessment industry Business Insights The energy assessment industry has grown rapidly in recent years, as businesses and homeowners alike strive to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs.
MOS Boards Outperforming Ply And OSB At Every Level News Construction and in particular house-building have always been a barometer for the wider UK economy,
Do You Have The Four Skills Required To Develop Property? Business Insights It may seem to people outside the property development sector that those inside possess incredible and unique skills.
Construction Cost Control: A Practical Guide For Project Managers Business Insights If you are a construction project manager, it's important to get a good understanding of cost control, which can help you ensure that a project is delivered on time
Warehouse Storage – Never Enough? Business Insights Given the current cost of warehouse space due to the high demand from the on-line retail sector, those who already have a warehouse,
Construction needs an image makeover to attract more recruits Business Insights Nearly a quarter of a million extra people are needed in construction by 2027 but outdated perceptions mean it is often overlooked as a career, according to a new report.
7 advantages of co-working in a shared office space Business Insights 3 years ago the world was forced to isolate and work from home all in the name of Covid-19. During this time organisations realised that they didn't need their workforce
A Technical Guide to the Fire Safety Act 2021 Business Insights In June 2017, the Grenfell Tower fire resulted in 72 deaths and more than 70 injuries. Fed by dangerous combustible cladding,
How the right environment improves workplace productivity and employee wellbeing Business Insights Chloe Sproston, Creative Director of workplace consultants and commercial office fit-out specialists Blueprint Interiors explains the importance of creating flexible,