Tech & IT

The death of email Business Insights

Businesses must communicate with their customers – that’s an undeniable fact. From booking confirmations and event updates to marketing and promotions, the end goal is messages that get opened and provoke action.

ISO 27001: 3 Big Myths Debunked Business Insights

ISO 27001, the international standard for information security has become a cornerstone for organisations seeking to protect their valuable data.

An Introduction to The AI Act: What You Need To Know Business Insights

Whether you’re an organisation using AI-driven chatbots for customer enquiries, developing predictive algorithms for credit risk, or image recognition software for security purposes, the upcoming legal obligations of deploying certain artificial intelligence (AI) technologies under the EU’s landmark AI Act may severely impact your data handling practices.

Leveraging Data For Business Growth And Innovation Business Insights

Businesses thrive on data, and understandably so. Companies that harness the power of data can uncover insights that drive growth and foster innovation – goals any business aims to achieve.

Fresh approach Business Insights

Far too many of the warehouses and cold stores that process fresh produce for the UK’s grocery retail sector remain over-reliant on old fashioned manual handling processes

Why Podcasting Remains Good For Business Business Insights

Creating a podcast as part of your business’s marketing strategy remains a solid move. Over 21 million people in the UK regularly listen to podcasts, representing roughly 40% of adults.

Are Cyber Security Certificates Worth the Cost? Business Insights

In an era of escalating cyberattacks, as we saw recently with the ‘Critical incident over London hospitals' cyber-attack’ organisations are under immense pressure to fortify their defences.

Driving Business Growth Through Technology Business Insights

Technology in business is constantly evolving, offering new ways to improve processes. Success can now be achieved not just by automating day-to-day tasks but also by supporting new ways of doing business.

Calling ‘order' on inbound goods Business Insights

Supermarkets face a pressing need to automate their DCs. But first, they must put their inbound processes in good order. Dan Migliozzi, Sales & Marketing Director,

Exploring modern CCTV cameras Business Insights

CCTV cameras are quintessential tools for enhancing security in various settings, be it homes or businesses.

Something Phishy Business Insights

We have all heard of phishing but what is it really and what can we do about it?

Tackling AI Content Business Insights

Artificial intelligence technology is worrying many people, including those involved in producing written content.

Is AI 3D Printing Possible? Business Insights

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest craze in manufacturing and the tech industry in general. The technology is fast making its way into 3D printers as well.

The Cyber Security Skills Gap And How To Improve It Business Insights

The digital transformation has left businesses in a bit of a pickle when it comes to cyber security. As technology has continued to evolve, cyber threats have advanced – at an alarming rate.

Businesses and Climate Change Business Insights

There is growing pressure and expectation from the public that businesses and organisations of all sizes take accountability for their environmental impact.

Is ISO 27001 Really Worth It? Business Insights

ISO 27001 certification: it’s supposed to be the information security superhero, but is it really as worthy as it claims to be?

ISO 27001 For Startups Business Insights

In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, startups face big challenges when it comes to information security.