EV Ownership Priorities Shift In 2024

Business Insights

Price overtakes battery as the most important factor for drivers considering going electric according to the latest survey by Venson.

Despite continued confusion amongst motorists as to the realities of owning and running an electric vehicle (EV), the latest SMMT data shows that fleet sales of new and used EVs are soaring. Businesses operating fleets of company cars – including grey fleet - and commercial vehicles are doing something right in educating drivers and promoting a more sustainable future, but how can they ensure they maintain this momentum? Learnings from Venson Automotive Solutions latest ‘Attitudes to Electric Vehicles’ survey may well have the answers, says its Client Management Director, Simon Staton.

“It is perhaps unsurprising, given the extended cost of living crisis, that price is the biggest factor preventing motorists from making the switch this year, with 44% claiming this to be the case. Back in 2021 when the survey was first run, price came in second with 41% of votes, whilst battery range topped the list of considerations (45%). Battery range today sits at fourth place.

“Charger installation concerns (37%) follow price this year for potential EV adopters, followed by charging time (35%).  Alongside battery range in fourth place sits safety ratings, with 33% of drivers now placing each of these as a deciding factor.

“Interestingly, the gap between women's and men’s attitudes to safety ratings has changed since 2021, with 36% of women and 24% of men then placing this as a top influencing factor. The 2024 survey shows this gap has grown substantially, with 45% of women and 20% of men placing safety rating as a top influencing factor.

“Businesses can help employees overcome some of these latest concerns by helping drivers fund home charger installation through monthly salary deductions or a loan, as well as ensuring company vehicle options include models with the fastest charging times and greatest battery range.

“With a general election afoot, we asked motorists this year what further action the next government could take to encourage take-up of EVs. Respondents believe that financial incentives would bring the greatest benefit (44%), followed by increased investment in public charging points (26%) and more clean air zones in cities (12%). 11% would like to see new legislation introduced to encourage businesses to move to fully electric company car or commercial vehicle fleets in the next 5 years.

“The good news is that confidence in owning an EV has increased among both men and women, with men (22%) more confident than women (15%). In 2021 just 9% of women felt confident in owning and maintaining an EV, compared with 18% of men.

“And there are three key factors that are working together to boost confidence: despite concerns about charging, improvements in charging infrastructure are having a positive impact for 40%, 39% are encouraged by how EVs are reducing global emissions and falling prices have helped change the minds of 38%. A wider range of vehicle options and greater confidence in owning and maintaining EVs have also helped 20% and 19% of respondents, respectively. 

“As we look ahead to the ban on new petrol and diesel car sales, and the net zero pledge, it is important we learn from shifting driver attitudes and focus on  increasing confidence. Range capabilities have expanded considerably meaning the average modern EV can now travel over 200 miles on a full charge. Vehicle costs are slowly coming down as more models are launched to market and the UK charging network is growing. All these factors are having a positive impact with those considering making the switch. Certainly, education on the reality of living and working with an electric car can help encourage drivers to move to electric."


To help fleet managers and company car drivers understand the costs and convenience of EVs and address key concerns that could be creating barriers to wider EV ownership, Venson offers several free White Papers. Visit www.venson.com/White-Papers for more information.

With over 30 years’ experience, Venson Automotive Solutions is a leading independent fleet management specialist. Working with organisations across all sectors, Venson offers a complete range of services to suit all its customers’ needs, with a proven track record in reducing costs and increasing vehicle availability in businesses across the private, public, not-for-profit and emergency services sectors.